THIS SITE IS DEDICATED TO ALL MY ANALOGUE PHOTOS. All content Ⓒ Saha Jones, all of the photographs herein, unless otherwise noted are copyrighted by the photographer. No part of this site or any of the content herein may be used or reproduced in any manner without permission of the copyright holder.

Monday, February 15, 2010

.. the ball. the chord. the boards. the wall. i'm discovering the experience of taking photos, can often not be about the photo at all. rather, its meaning lies in the meeting. that you might bump into an image, or a collection of images, in a combination that might possibly have never been seen before. or, that, when given a frame these combinations can compel fresh desires of how the world shapes itself, in every moment. moving. or still. i had a few frames left on a roll the day i took both these "photos". a pigeon stuck in a shop window, and a basketball orbited by an extension chord. i was not going to be precious with my film for the sake of such moments to be sacrificed for mortal nostalgia...and then forgotten like dreams an hour after waking. 

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